Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Starting University

For those of you starting university, or even if you're in your last year...

1. Stay organized 
Honestly, having a calendar on your desk/wall/phone with major events, times and places really  helps to make sure that 1) you know what you have to do and when, but also it shows you how to manage your time. Seeing what you're doing in a month or a week in text really helps me. 
Also if its your first term, have your phone screensaver as your time table and have a photo of your school map! This is very useful. 

2. Make it homey! It makes such a difference when your living space is comfortable. If your room is bleak and empty chances are it will have an effect on you. Its horrible coming home to an 'empty' space. I personally think having fresh flowers, photographs, cards, posters really makes it seem like my space.

3. Eat Well, Drink well, Sleep Well. I feel like this is self explanatory. If you eat badly, you're gonna feel it. I know its hard if you're not in control of what is being made but really try and get as much fruit and veg in as you can. I really think taking those vitamin C dissolvable tablets in water seriously handy. It is so shit to get sick during uni so definitely keep your immune system strong. 

4. Make an effort to make friends during orientation but also during your classes...thats where you'll be spending the most amount of time. A lot of people I know say that the people they made friends with during orientation (freshers week) did not remain their friends throughout the year. Personally I made most of my friends through classes. I think this is really helpful because if you're sick, you have a friend thats able to take your notes or fill you in. You also will have people to study with and will probably have a similar if not the same schedule. (i.e cram for fridays test and go out after)
5. Find out what studying habits work best for you- morning/night/ groups or solo. This is really important when it comes to exam time. Myself and friends included have wasted so much time studying poorly. For me I like to study by myself and when I feel confident about the material, study and review in a group, chances are everyone there will know something that you don't.

9. Dont be so hard on yourself..grades definitely drop from high school.  It sucks but thats just how it is. University is totallllyyyy different when it comes to marking, so don't beat yourself up when you think that your 69% paper was worth at least a 75%. Speak to your professors and find out how to improve.

10. Enjoy it- don't feel pressured to fit into a certain mould or to have a certain experience. These are years you are never going to get back, so do what YOU want to do. 

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